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International Customers Can Now Apply for VAT Exempt Status

Are you a VAT registered European trader or international customer looking to buy from Slim's? Then we can help you out.

Set up an account at and provide us with some basic details so we can check the validity of the VAT number in your own country. Create an account as normal, with full name, telephone number, e-mail & business address. You are also given the option to provide a VAT number - please input this information. 

Once you have set up your account, send us an e-mail ( confirming you have set up an account and that you wish to apply for VAT exempt status.

Our customer service team will check these details & confirm whether this has been accepted. When complete, you will be able to order as normal through

Once payment has been processed our customer service team will refund VAT charges with 24 working hours. If you have any questions at all - feel free to drop us an e-mail.


The Slim's Team

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